Yougal ChettriAd Monetization Metrics for your AppsIn this blog, we dive into the critical world of key metrics — the compass that guides monetization success.Nov 7, 2023Nov 7, 2023
Yougal ChettriDemystifying the Google Ad policy black boxNavigating the Publisher’s PlaygroundJul 19, 2023Jul 19, 2023
Yougal ChettriReal-time bidding and BeyondIt’s 2023, and the ad world is buzzing with trends. AI and machine learning are no longer sci-fi dreams but powerful allies for precise…Jul 17, 2023Jul 17, 2023
Yougal ChettriAd Monetisation: Design to Live-opsFocus KPIs: Ad Network KPIs: Impressions, ECPM, Fill Rate, SOV, SOI User level KPIs: DAU, ARPDAU, DEU, Usage rate, Impression per UserApr 19, 2023Apr 19, 2023
Yougal ChettriAd OptimizationThe two channels: Live operations and Ad Demand stackDec 13, 2022Dec 13, 2022